Summer Camps for Children and Families
Summer is a wonderful time to experience creativity and fun in and with nature!
As in all of our programs, during camp, we honor and nourish relationships with ourselves, each other, and Earth. We value the dynamic landscape of our forest home and the unique inner landscape of each child.
Our holistic approach to place-centered nature education weaves Nature Connection and Science, Expressive Arts, and Wellness Practices.
Nature Connection–-nature walks, awareness activities, nature explorations through play and science.
Expressive Arts--place-based arts and crafts, creative writing, storytelling, movement.
Wellness Practices–tending the inner landscape through mindfulness, communication skills, gratitude, kindness, kinship.
Each camp has a specific theme, which will be a thread throughout our days together.
Nature Arts Camps: focus on place-based Land Art and nature crafts.
Ocean Life Surf Camp: centers on ocean life and includes marine biology, tracking, beach walks, and group and individualized surf lessons by guest surf instructors.
Family Surf Camp: a relaxed day of beach play and surf lessons.
Nature Dance Camp: immersion into the living ensemble of Lake Lagunitas. Includes sensory play, artistic play and improvisational dance with trees, sunlight, fresh lake air, and local creatures.
Camps also include plenty of time for free play and for interest-led exploration!